For my recreation of a billboard I decided to choose 'welcome to Manchester' which was used by Manchester City to introduce the signing of Carlos Tevez, with image (as seen below) shows the player celebrating in the colours of blue which link to the clubs main colours as well as giving the player a warm welcome. My reasoning for choosing this billboard was fitting as it is in the same genre of my choice in magazine which is football and I also saw this as being quiet simplistic and not as challenging to replicate as my photoshop skills are not the strongest but this will help improve them. For my recreation of the 'Welcome to Manchester' billboard I attempted to make it regional, specifically for Newcastle through using only the colours of black and white as that is the main colours of the club. I also included a player celebrating, using an unrealistic example of lionel Messi, which can be seen in the original. Although I think that my recreation does take some r...