Time Managment
Aims: To start this I first want to look into websites, magazines and billboards that inspire me for when doing my own.
Reflection: I did manage to look into magazines relating to my chose genre and began looking into billboard however I did not begin looking into websites.
Aims: For this lesson I plan to finish looking into billboards and websites and possibly starting to look into magazine names/ideas
Reflection: In this lesson I did complete the billboards and websites that will inspire me for when it comes to me doing my own.
Aims: In this hour I am looking to names for my magazine and why they will suit my own.
Reflection: This lesson I created a spider diagram for magazine name ideas, and then have narrowed it down to three picking it myself but I have thought about creating a survey for the final decision.
Aims: I am wanting to look into fonts that I will use for my magazine title and possibly pick the font I will use in my final version.
Reflection: During this lesson I used Dafont to look into possible fonts for my magazine and then picked three that I saw as being good candidates before comparing and contrasting them all.
Aims: In this hour I am looking at the color scheme found with my chosen genre of magazine.
Reflection: I did look into frequent colors used in certain magazines within my genre of magazine and will take this into account when deciding my own color scheme for my magazine.
Aims: For this lesson we have been told to do a pitch that will tell everyone our genre of magazine, how it is regional, color schemes, fonts etc.
Reflection: I did not complete my pitch to a level I am happy at however I can later improve on this.
Aims: In this hour we will be giving each other feedback for our pitches so I will be reviving and giving feedback to others pitches
Reflection: I received feedback for my pitch and will look to improve it but more than likely in my own time as I do not want to spend too much lesson time on this.
Aims: I look to begin my flat plans and rationals for my website, magazine pages and billboard.
Reflection: I did most of my magazine pages, only having the double spread left to do and have also complete the flat plan for my billboard however I still need to do my website flatplan but will want to do that in my own time rather than lesson.
Aims: For this hour I would like to begin looking into my target audience in more depth and possibly do an audience profile.
Reflection: I have began looking into my target audience in more depth however I did not start an audience profile but will start that very shortly.
Aims: Something I would like to do is look into the color scheme for my own magazine and also add to my audience profiles
Reflection: In the two hours I mangers to look at regional color schemes, so for Newcastle, Sunderland and Durham, while then looking into my audiences.
Aims: During this hour I want to look closer at my target audience and get a greater understanding of the kind of people I am aiming my magazine towards.
Reflection: To get a better grasp of my potential target audience I looked into other magazines and thought of the suggested audience for them and then done a spider web looking at the features I am expect of my own potential target audience.
Aims: For this lesson I want to look at potential problems I might come across.
Reflection: In this hour I completed my post on potential problems and how I might deal with them if they occur.
Aims: For this lesson I want to look into what my primary and secondary audience may look like.
Reflection: I looked at what the hobbies and interests of my primary and secondary audience by doing a brief drawing of a head then filling it a list of interests.
Aims: For todays lesson I want to look into the results for my audience survey after composing said survey first, most likely on survey monkey.
Reflection: I have looked into my survey results for my survey and have done a separate post about them with a brief comment, I also created a plan for my audience interview
Aims:In this hour I am looking to add to my audience profiles and possibly complete it today.
Reflection: I did manage to complete my audience profiles.
Aims: In this hour, still looking into my potential target audience I want to delve into the audience theory and why they read and look at the media
Reflection: I done a power point of audience theory, looking into the theories about why an audience may look into media texts.
Aims: Today I am looking to look more into my photoshoot organization, I have already begun looking into the model I will use but I want to do the the 'Reece' as well as potential locations for my photoshoot.
Reflection: I have look at the locations I would like to use for my photoshoot, looking at places all across the North East region and why I have chosen each of them.
Aims: Today I want look at the props and costumes that my model will wear and use for the photoshoot and into more detail than previously.
Reflections: In the two hours I had today I finalized what my model can use and wear for the photoshoot as well as looking into the weather for the proposed date for the shoot and to check if will work out well.
Aims: In this lesson I look to finalize, complete and more detail to my deconstructions.
Reflection: I managed to complete my deconstructions for a magazine cover, contents page and double spread page, billboard and also a website.
Aims:In this hour I want to finish my rationals and have as much detail as possible on them.
Reflection: I did catch up with my rationals, doing the website, billboard and also the double spread page rational.
Aims: Today I want to look more into my photoshoot planning and organization .
Reflection: In the hour I done my 'REECE' looking into the outcomes and potential problems that may occur during my photoshoot.
Aims: Today I look to complete all of my rationales, which the remaining ones are for my website, billboard and also double spread page
Reflections: In this hour I did manage to complete the rationales for my website and also my billboard however I did not for my double spread page
Aims: For today I am looking to finally complete all of my rationals.
Reflections: Having already done the rationals for my cover, contents, billboard and website I have now finished the rational for my double spread page.
Aims: Having already done some research on Wix for my website but I will look further in and being work on my website
Reflection: So in todays lesson I created an account on Wix and began work on my website
Aims: In this lesson I look to being my front page and figure out its layout
Reflection: Today I began my front cover draft and spent time figuring out how it would look
Aims: I am looking to add to my front cover draft here
Reflection: So in todays lesson I made some more progress on my front cover
Aims: In the hour I have today I want to now begin my contents page and get that started
Reflection: I did start work on my contents page, by creating the pages layout and I will now go inbetween that and my front cover draft.
Aims: Today I want to focus on my front cover today
Reflection: In the lesson today I implemented my single dominate image for my front cover after deciding which image would be more fitting.
Aims: For this two hour lesson I want to jump between my front cover and my contents page, this is a personal presence as it will make my work feel less repetitive and boring
Reflection: Today for my front cover I added some littler details to try and make the cover seem more authentic and real; so I added a barcode, the magazine price and also my masthead. As for my contents page I added images in the appropriate sections after looking into which images would work best for my contents page as well as fitting my chosen genre.
Aims: I am looking to try and start my double spread page in the hour today so that I do not fall behind and have at least something.
Reflection: I have now began my double spread page by completing the layout, the layout of my double spread page is very simplistic so after doing that I added the images that I wanted for the page with the main body of text the only thing left to add.
Aims: In todays lesson I look to try and complete a rough draft for my front cover and also possibly my contents page as I have 2 hours, so that I can then revive some peer feed back for my work as soon a possible.
Reflection: I didn't do as much as I would have liked or planned in todays lesson, I added some essential information as well as the headline for my front cover and will look to receive some peer feedback next lesson. However My contents page is still incomplete with the actual contents needing to be added as well as other details.
Aims: Peer feedback is the main aim for the lesson today and I will then attempt to improve my front cover from that and in-between try to get rough draft of my contents page so that can also get some peer feedback.
Reflection: So I did revive peer feedback for my front cover, after getting this I then added the essential information to my contents page such as the magazines contents and a brief description to what it will contain. This is so that I can get peer feedback as soon a possible for my contents page.
Aims: In the hour I have today I want to look closer into the feedback I was given last lesson, see whether I agree with it and then make any improvements that can make my front cover better.
Reflection: Some of the improvements that were suggested and that I actually added to my front was a possible puff.
Aims: For today I am looking to get some peer feedback for my contents page and meanwhile complete a rough draft of my billboard so that I can then get feedback from my peers and make some improvements
Reflection: I was given feedback from my peers for my contents page and then made some additions to my billboard so that I can then get some suggestions to improve it from my class mates.
Aims: The lesson today I am wanting to add some of the improvements to my contents page based on the feedback I received last lesson as well as revive some suggestions on how to improve my billboard.
Reflection: Some of the improvements I added to my contents page were more smaller details such as captions to the images on the page and also a page number which I did forget to add the first time, I also got some suggestions on how I could improve my billboard.
Aims: For today I will look more in depth in what feedback I received for my billboard and make any changes that could help improve my billboard.
Reflection: In the lesson I added some little improvements to my billboard, I added some 'essential information' such as the address to the website, I also changed the font of the slogan I used for the billboard so that it looked more professional.
Aims: The lesson today will be me attempting to write the feature article for my double spread page and in hand complete the first draft of it.
Reflections: I began writing the article, while looking more in depth at other articles that have featured within other football magazines such as FourFourTwo and Match, however I did not finish the article and will have to another time.
Aims: I am looking to complete the double spread page article and then get some feedback on how to improve on it.
Reflection: My double spread page draft was completed in this hour but I will get some peer feedback on it tomorrow.
Aims: So for the lesson today I want to get some suggestions from my class mates on how I can improve on my work and then start making them changes to my double spread page.
Reflection: The feedback I got from my peers for my double spread page and then made some of those changes such as the font and the font size.
Aims: For the hour today I want to either work on my contents page or possibly my cover.
Reflection: On my font cover I changed the font of the essential information to make the cover seem more professional.
Aims: From today I want to work on my website for the next few lessons because it is something that I have not yet worked on properly, this is because Wix is something I have never used so I want to work on it consistently over a few lessons.
Reflection: In this hour I worked on the home page, as well as adding some brief articles to the page as it is something seen on other football websites such as Goal.
Aims: In the lesson I just want to continue adding to my website and complete the home page.
Reflection: After today I finished the home page, adding some relevant images to the page as well as the articles I have. I also began working on some other pages, the one I started working on was for regional teams upcoming fixtures.
Aims: So for todays lesson I am still working on my website and I want to finish the fixtures page as well as possibly starting work on another page.
Reflection: For this hour I did finish the fixture page by adding some images that work well based on my chosen genre, I also started work on another page based on Newcastle and I plan to do other pages solely focusing on other regional teams.
Aims: I want to complete the page focusing on Newcastle and then maybe start work on another page that might focus of Sunderland or Gateshead.
Reflection: I have now completed the Newcastle United page after adding some essential information as well as images before then briefly starting on a Sunderland based page.
Aims: So after receiving some feedback on all of my work I have decided to go back and work on my front cover and contents page, I will then later go back to my website.
Reflection: In todays lesson I began work on my front cover again, changing the position of the image and removing the essential information, to add new info later.
Aims: For the lesson today I will go back to my front cover and add some tagline and essential information and then begin to improve my contents page.
Reflection: I have now added some more information to my front cover, improving on my previous attempt, I then began work on my contents page by adding some of my own images, replacing the previous ones I used.
Aims: Today I want to complete my contents page by replacing the information I had previously had as it was not realistic enough and I also want to change the layout.
Reflection:n After the lesson I had changed the layout of my contents page so that it resembles a magazine more as well as adding some essential information.
Aims: I want to go back and start my website again as my previous attempt was not good enough.
Reflection: For my website I chose a new design so that it seems more like an official website and then I added some images that were my own and fitted the website.
Aims: Today I want to work on my website and possibly finish it.
Reflection: I have added some more pages and began to flesh them out but I will finish this in my own time.
Aims: For this lesson and the next few I am looking to begin and finish my evaluation
Reflection: I have started work on my evaluation, doing most of the first question.
Aims: I am looking to finish the first question, and will want to go onto my second question.
Reflection: In the lesson I completed my first question and have now started on my second question, which I will finish in my own time as well as begin the third question.
Aims: For today I want to start on my fourth question and finish my third question.
Reflection: I have now finished my third question and started work on the fourth and will finish that in my own time
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