Billboard Rational


For the layout of my billboard I am looking to have a single dominant image at the front of the billboard, with this being the thing I want the audience to see and remember. My reasoning for this is because a billboard is not something that people will stop and stair at, it something big and quick that people will only pass and briefly see. So having a single dominant image take up the majority of the billboard means it is more likely to grab a persons attention. Then on the left of my billboard, alongside the dominant image, will be some essential information as well as my masthead. This is because it will give anyone who stops to read the billboard they will be more aware of my magazine. The masthead will then make sure the audience are made aware of who is producing the magazine it is advertising

Mise en Scene

The mise en scene for the billboard will be relative to my target audience as well as my chosen genre for my magazine. The single dominant image for the billboard I want to be of a crowd celebrating or possibly looking tense. This is so that I can show the magazine is aimed towards them, they are who this magazine will be aimed towards. I also that this is an image that can help show that there is a buzz and anticipation for this magazine.

Language and Register

For the language I will use of the billboard, I look to make it quite direct and straight to the point, almost imperative to the audience as if they have to read the magazine. I fee l that this will be effective because it will engage the audience and almost force them to get the magazine. Another reason I look to do this with the language I will use is because the billboard needs to be short and snappy, so I cannot have anything too detailed or in-depth but something more straight to the point and direct to the audience. 
