Peer feedback

Peer Feedback Cover Feedback For my front cover some of the feedback that I received for it was to add more information to it and make it more appealing for people, this was because my design was quite simplistic and not too complex. My reasoning for doing this was to make it as easy as possible for myself as I am not too experienced or good at using photoshop. So to make my front cover seem more lively and be more appealing I added a puff, advertising a competition within the magazine, this was something that I did consider adding in the first place. So since my feedback agreed with this I then added this. Contents Page Feedback The feedback I got for my contents page was quite helpful as it gave me some ideas of how to improve my work. One suggestion was to add some captions and possibly page numbers on the images that were on the right of my contents page. This was something I had not thought to do as it had slipped my mind before asking for feedback so this proved ...